
The blog of Joseph W. Kraft

Posts Tagged ‘LDS

Honesty is the Key

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I have placed links to an online Bible, Qur’an, and the Standard Works of Mormonism on my sidebar.  I’m sure some of you are a bit surprised.  Why would a Christian want to place links to these non-Christian scriptures on his blog?  Honesty is why.  It keeps me honest and it demonstrates that I am being honest.  In the future when I quote from whatever scripture and you think I am taking it out of context, misinterpreting it, or making it up completely then, just click on the link and read it for your self. 

Furthermore, I am confident that if everyone studied all the various religions honestly then, we would have more people coming to faith in Jesus.  I encourage everyone to read the Bible, read the Book of Mormon, read the Qur’an and the Hadith (if you can get through it, it is loooong).  They cannot all be true and the truth cannot be stamped out. 

A proper post is coming soon and it will be on Mit Romney and Mormonism, so hold on to your hat.  For now I have to get some Christmas shopping done.  Merry Christmas, y’all.

Written by J W Kraft

December 6, 2007 at Thursday 4:48 pm